What is GEM ?

Something that God has put on my heart is the word GEM. 

Generation Empowering the Multitude

I have created my business around just that. Not hiding behind false images, lies or even the makeup, but knowing who you are on the inside after the makeup comes off. Encouraging women of all ages to IGNITE with PASSION, PURPOSE and IDENTITY. Understanding that beauty is so much more than what’s on the surface.

I fully believe it is time for women of all ages to rise up to their true potential to break off all the lies of fear, failure and past hurt. We are being called to walk in love, honor, and encourage one another to be a Generation of love, to be women walking in our full identity to call out the beauty in one another and in ourselves.

 Gem stones are so unique, they come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. They even have their own cuts and facets so that when the light hits them NO TWO SHINE THE SAME.

Gems are rare, set apart, and uniquely made and that is truly what I believe each and every one of us are as well. There is no competition in a community where everyone is walking in there full identity, only women walking with purpose,  and encouraging one another to shine. It is time to unleash beauty from the inside out, to awaken dreams and visions, to shine like the true gems we are!

 We are being called to rise up together for such a time as this.

 Shine on gem!